FloodAreaHPC: Modelling of floods caused by heavy rain, fluvial floods, dam and dike breaches
FloodAreaHPC is a software model that calculates floods from heavy rainfall situations, fluvial floods, dam and dike breaches. With the raster-based, hydrodynamic-numerical model FloodAreaHPC you can handle flood hazards in populated and unpopulated areas at the highest level.
Next level modelling
This high-end software model is ideally suited for challenging areas. Due to the applied calculation methods, even large areas can be quickly simulated in high resolution while maintaining a high degree of details and validity. Comprehensive setting possibilities take into account orographic, hydrological and hydraulic particularities in the flood modelling.
The functions water level, point injection and sprinkling can be combined without restriction: The data can be varied in time and space at any time of the simulation. The setting options give you full control and flexibility in terms of scenario design - and allow you to model even closer to reality.
Growing user community
More and more authorities, engineering offices and research institutions in now more than 20 countries on 5 continents rely on the efficient 2D simulation and modelling tool and appreciate the customer support of geomer.
FloodAreaHPC Scope of application
Simulations of flash floods: An increasingly important aspect of climate change. FloodAreaHPC has already shown its advantages in many projects.
Modelling of the efficiency of retention measures: Provides certainty as to whether planned measures for protection against heavy rain or flooding will achieve the desired effect.
Flood hazard maps: Indispensable maps for flood protection. Users appreciate the simulation speed and the sharpness of the simulation results.
(Operational) dike breach modelling: The strong computational performance of the software model coupled with pre-simulations make an operational usage for dike breaches possible.
Powerful Software

With FloodAreaHPC you acquire a software, that calculates floods reliably, regardless of the cause of the flood. The raster-based, hydrodynamic-numerical approach allows the simulation of large areas with the best possible resolution of results. The user friendly interface enables a convenient usage. The parallelizing of simulation areas, reach the maximum performance of the available computing power. FloodAreaHPC is available in different performance levels and thus adapts ideally to the available hardware and requirements of the area.
Excellent performance - this is FloodAreaHPC
2D hydrodynamic modeling
Input/output of water at any number of points
Parallelisation and scaling of CPUs and several cores for fast calculations
Water level-dependent roughness values or change of the roughness value on the basis of a threshold value
Optional coupling with the pipe network model cePipe to consider sewer networks in the simulation
Simultaneous use of several precipitation hydrographs for different subareas
Temporal variation of the runoff coefficients during the simulation
Consideration of a variable water level as a constraint
Integration of pumps and culverts possible
Output of flow directions and flow velocities
Interruption and resumption of simulations, also with changed parameters
Automated generation of animated films
Generation of flow curves on the basis of the output data
ArcGIS Desktop Integration
Free combination of the calculation options water level, point injection and irrigation