Welcome to the FloodArea User Guide!
Since the first release in 2001, more and more authorities, municipalities, engineering companies and research institutions in 20 countries on 5 continents have placed their trust in the high-end simulation and modeling tool FloodArea HPC 11.
FloodArea HPC 11 is a raster-based, hydrodynamic HN model. Besides various flood hazard map projects, large atlas projects (e.g. Rheinatlas, Oderatlas, Elbeatlas) and operational dike breach modelling, the model has been used in the field of heavy rainfall and decentralised flood protection for 20 years. The size of the area and the resolution are not limited by the model side. With the computers currently available at geomer, area sizes with up to 2 billion grid cells can be processed in a simulation.
We are continuously working on improving FloodArea HPC 11. The latest version (11.4) of 2022 contains the following innovations:
improved error handling and bugfixes
Output of volume balance and pumping curves
Multiple infiltration curves can be used simultaneously
The release of FloodArea HPC 11 in 2021 brings the following new features:
improved error detection
further optimisation of the computational performance through the latest gdal version
new calculation option: time-variable infiltration
revision of the animation tool, so that mp4-videos can now easily be created
The release of FloodArea HPC 11 in 2020 brings the following new features:
Optimized scaling of the computing performance over the processors
Optimization of the setting options and the design of the input data (only txt files, commenting on the data possible).
with FloodArea HPC 10.3, only in the toolbox was 64bit calculation possible, and in the standard graphical user interface (GUI) only as 32bit process. Now the GUI also starts FloodArea as 64bit process in background.
the three calculation options water level, inflow hydrograph and irrigation can be combined freely
bidirectional coupling with the sewer network model cePipe is possible
the roughness can be adjusted depending on the water level
simultaneous use of several precipitation hydrographs in the area
temporal variation of the discharge coefficients
time variable water level
and dam breakthrough (inserts breakthroughs in the DGM) are no longer preserved in the newly developed FloodArea HPC 11. In practice, it has proven to be a good idea to manually insert breakthroughs into the DTM. Flow obstacles can be taken into account in the simulation by assigning a roughness of 10,000 kST to the corresponding areas.